Stephen Finlay Archer
Talk about some of the atrocities and inhumanity levied against the Irish Catholics prior, during and after the revolution
In addition to the inhumane treatment of the Irish population by the British before the revolution as discussed elsewhere in these Q & As — they were sometimes cited as ‘vermin to be exterminated’. The oppressors continued their punitive methods during the fight for freedom of the 20th century.
The British canons and other weapons destroyed a significant portion of Dublin (their own city) during the Easter Rising 1916. At the end of the one-week rebellion, the British summarily executed the leaders of the Rising without a fair trial and incarcerated thousands of Irish citizens. This helped turn the tide of public opinion against them.
During the guerrilla warfare of the War of Independence 1919-1921 and Civil War 1922-1923, there were atrocities inflicted on both sides which hardened the hearts of the belligerents.