Stephen Finlay Archer
Upcoming Signing Events – See You There!
Book Signings in the Motherlode
The Irish Clans Novel Series
Book 1
Book 2
I will be giving a talk and books signing
Where: Face in a Book Bookstore
4359 Town Center Blvd., Suite 113
El Dorado Hills, CA, 95762
When: Friday, Sept. 15, 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Refreshments will be served.
Face in a Book Bookstore is a marvelous neighborhood gathering place for readers of all ages to connect with thousands of books and with their community. They offer a wide range of engaging events to strengthen the bond shared by the individuals who embrace their passion for reading.
I will be giving a talk and books signing
Where: Hein & Company Bookstore
204 N. Main Street, Jackson, CA 95642
When: Saturday, September 30,1 – 4 pm
Refreshments will be served.
Hein & Company Bookstore is a jewel of a used and rare bookstore in the heart of the Motherlode. They specialize in local history, hard-to find and out-of-print books, first editions, collectibles, art, DVDs and some antiques. A real gem is the second floor Sherlock Holmes 221B Baker Street lair.